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- MESS 06
- çedf,888,0f0,aaf,f8f,ff0,fff¹
- ¾Darkhawk/Iris sends messages to:
- ²-------------------------------
- ¹Illusion/Jewels:
- Rart at høre fra dig igen, det var jo en "rimelig" lang pause,
- heh! Hvor blev du af efter de 5 minutter på partiet? Du sagde du
- ville give mig nogle introer, snøft!
- Curt Cool/Depth:
- Øh, bøhh, hej!! Heh, håber at se nogle Depth produktioner i fremtiden.
- Og som du kan se så bliver det nok ikke til noget med nogle D-29
- produktioner!
- Mass/Nexus 7:
- Delay eller hva'? Ville du ikke sende til mig før The Party III?
- Send soon!
- ¶çedf,888,0f0,aaf,f8f,ff0,fff¹Condor/?:
- Jeg så dig ikke i Razor's memberlist, er du ikke medlem mere? Write
- soon!
- Roscoe/?:
- Det samme gælder for dig.
- Boomerang/Isch Crew:
- Na, wie geht's, wie steht's? Ich kann auch ein bischen deutsch wie
- du ja lesen kannst!! Ich hoffe du hast eine gute zeit mit deine
- geliebten "bitch"!
- Sting/Bonzai:
- Ja, danke fuer deine briefe, ich kriegte eine zehner note im
- deutsch unterricht, ich bin ja soooo cool!
- ¶çedf,888,0f0,aaf,f8f,ff0,fff¹Jester/Sanity:
- Na, hoere ich bald wieder von dir? Ich hoffe es!! Hast du die D-29
- mods gemocht? Or was it just shit?
- Mole/Agoa:
- Mein freund der wie ein Dalmatiner aussieht! Ich werde dir bald etwas
- senden, aber ich habe schon einige muehe etwas aufzustoebern...
- Anders Ormehaug/Cadaver:
- Well, nice to hear from you again! As you can see I've joined Iris, so
- it will be no problems from my side with swapping own prods!
- Spacehawk/Iris:
- Hello my cool Iris friend! Your pack is very good, or so I think!
- Hope to hear from you soon again..
- ¶çedf,888,0f0,aaf,f8f,ff0,fff¹Zen!t/Compact Inc:
- Yes, yes, short letters rulez. Or some think they do, heh! Your
- utility box is very good!
- Eightball/Unlimited:
- Well, what group are you in now? Is it Mad Elks or what? I've joined
- Iris and I'm quite content with that!
- Mindphaser/Vision:
- Hi to you, hope that you like it in Vision!
- DaVeY/Jetset:
- So, do we have a little delay, or what? OK, maybe you try to get
- Overload I for me?
- ¶çedf,888,0f0,aaf,f8f,ff0,fff¹Magician/Impact:
- I lost your ad (I got it on The Party III)! If you want to contact me
- for friendly swapping, you can find my adress somewhere on this disk!
- Napoleon/Dreamdealers:
- Well, are you still alive or what? I haven't heard from you since
- The Party III! Write soon..
- Psynomix/Intense:
- I look forward to hear your cool techno modz in the soon coming
- Intense musicdisk! Stay cool mate!
- Cloud/Cryptoburners:
- OK, we met on The Party and you said you hadn't dropped me.. OK,
- then send a letter, eh? I will write some articles for you, if
- you want, but I don't know how many, because I write a lot
- of articles right now!
- ¶çedf,888,0f0,aaf,f8f,ff0,fff¹Sonic/Damage Inc:
- Hmm, I got your letter and expect to be recontacted, or what?
- Ranger/LBD:
- Yo, my extremely nice swapping friend.. Hope that Animal soon finishes
- the gfx for my pack, eh? Stay cool and send soon...
- Mephi/Damage:
- Hello Mephi, how's it going in Poland? Do I soon get some Damage prods?
- Take care!
- Masque/Calibra:
- Ehmm, quite a delay eh? Or maybe you haven't got my letter? Drop me
- a note sometime!
- ¶çedf,888,0f0,aaf,f8f,ff0,fff¹Vortex/Bronx:
- Hope to catch some cool utilities from you soon!
- Darky/LaserDance:
- Games rulez, eh? Keep up the nice AGA sends, and sorry for my delay,
- but there hasn't been anything great lately..
- Avenger/MadElks:
- So, when do I get some MadElks prods? Hope that it'll be soon!!
- Focus/Vectra:
- If you read this please recontact me!! My ad is here somewhere.
- What's the matter, why haven't I heard from you in a long time?
- Splatterhead/BlackJack:
- Congratulations with the Video Backup system, must be quite cool, eh?
- ¶çedf,888,0f0,aaf,f8f,ff0,fff¹Deceiver/Decnite:
- Nice pack you've got, although there is this small bug in the corner.
- But I guess you'll get it fixed?
- Frame/Medicine:
- Yep, I would like a ascii logo, if you have the time for it, ofcoz'!
- Too bad that your pack stopped with issue 1, I liked the code!
- Wolfman/Balance:
- Well, I guess you send me the newest Upstream sooner or later?
- It must be quite near to the releasedate now, eh?
- Pyro/Hyperactive:
- Nå, jeg håber du finder en ny gruppe, ellers ville det da være
- kedeligt, eh?
- ¶çedf,888,0f0,aaf,f8f,ff0,fff¹CryZor/D-29:
- You know, when you get a letter, you normally respond, don't you?
- Guess not..
- Daffy/Iris:
- Hejsa din and! Har du snart 1 milliard kontakter? Hvor stor er din
- portoregning egentlig, nu hvor du er holdt op med at fake?
- Guybrush/Iris:
- Nu må du så tegne nogle Iris logoer eh? Og hvad med fullscreen pics?
- OK, jeg er vel egentlig heller ikke organizer mere.
- Chrombacher/Obscene:
- You must like that beer very much, eh? Hope to catch a letter from you
- soon!
- ¶çedf,888,0f0,aaf,f8f,ff0,fff¹Airhead/Iris:
- Nå, hvad synes du så om at være i Iris, cool ikke? Og husk:
- *VI* er Europamestre! Det er I ikke, hehehehehehehhhaaarrghh!
- Colorbird/Razor 1911:
- Nice demo you coded really. Well, when will the new Propaganda be
- out? I guess I can't write articles for it anyway, because I have a
- lot of articlewriting to do for Iris.
- Suhu/Banal Projects:
- Juhu Suhu! How's it going? Do you use your snowboard in these times?
- Felon/Perplex:
- Nice chipmusicdisk! And I mean REALLY nice!
- ¶çedf,888,0f0,aaf,f8f,ff0,fff¹Rebel/Legacy:
- Did you run a mag or what?
- Rayer/BLD:
- You can't be too young for the scene, because the scene is for
- everyone, remember? Atleast it should be so.. Hope to receive
- a sending from you soon!